While you are at work it is important to care for your teeth. Most of us spend more time at work than we do at home. It would make sense then, to be proactive about caring for your teeth at work as well as at home. Doing so may mean you have to think outside of the box. The benefits will outweigh the cost though if you have less cavities in the future.
Make Good Decisions at Your Workplace
You control what goes in your mouth. You decide if you are going to eat the donut at your mid-morning break, or the pie after lunch. You also decide if you are going to take a piece of cake for your coworker's birthday in office party.
Consider what it might mean for your teeth and your overall health if you did not have the cake. Instead, you chose to affirm your coworker on their birthday and say something nice to them while you sip your water. Both of you are blessed! You are taking positive steps toward your health and blessing your coworker. Be creative and find other ways to enjoy the moment, rather than just indulging in sugary desserts.
Make good decisions concerning your lunch as well as any snacks you may bring to work. Pack some cut up carrots and hummus, or a favorite piece of fruit. If those options do not fill you up, add a handful of nuts. Nuts contain good fat which satiates your appetite. The less sugar and carbohydrates you consume, the better chances you have of limiting your cavities.
Call Our Office to Schedule Your Next Appointment
Make sure you schedule your routine cleaning and checkups. Prevention is the key to maintaining good oral health at home and at work.
About | Cherry Hill Dental Smiles | Dentist Cherry Hill NJ Cherry Hill Dental Smiles want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles while feeling comfortable. Call our office in Cherry Hill today! Cherry Hill Dental Smiles, 2314 Church Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 • 856-667-3737 • cherryhilldentalsmiles.com • 2/14/2025 • Key Phrases: dentist Cherry Hill NJ •